Winn et. al. use a standard set of filters for extracting features from images: Gaussian, derivatives of Gaussian (aka DoG), and Laplacian of Gaussian (aka LoG). Here's what they look like:
Gaussian | |
Laplacian of Gaussian | |
Y-derivative of Gaussian | |
X-derivative of Gaussian |
OpenCV has a method for computing GaussianBlur which is sufficiently flexible to reproduce Winn et. al., but to reproduce their usage of DoG and LoG I wrote my own OpenCV kernels (although maybe a combination of the GaussianBlur method with the Laplacian method and Sobel method would work?). It turns out separable filters are much faster and everything above except the LoG is separable; in addition the LoG can be written as the sum of two separable filters, the second derivative of Gaussian in x and y. Thus with something like
#include <string>
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "cyclopsutil.hh"
using namespace cv;
using namespace cyclops;
int main (int, char** argv)
string file (argv[1]);
Mat img = imread (file);
vector<Mat> color (3);
assert (! img.empty ());
assert (img.channels () == 3);
cvtColor (img, img, CV_BGR2Lab);
split (img, color);
imwrite (file + ".L.png", color[0]);
imwrite (file + ".a.png", color[1]);
imwrite (file + ".b.png", color[2]);
for (int sigma = 1; sigma < 16; sigma *= 2)
string labels[3] = { string ("L"), string ("a"), string ("b") };
Mat conv = color[0].clone ();
Mat convtwo = color[0].clone ();
std::stringstream out;
out << sigma;
GaussianBlur (color[0], conv, Size (6 * sigma + 1, 6 * sigma + 1), sigma, sigma, BORDER_REPLICATE);
imwrite (file + "." + labels[0] + ".gauss." + out.str () + ".png", conv);
sepFilter2D (color[0], conv, -1, dygauss_kernelx (sigma), dygauss_kernely (sigma), Point (-1, -1), 0, BORDER_REPLICATE);
imwrite (file + "." + labels[0] + ".dygauss." + out.str () + ".png", conv);
sepFilter2D (color[0], conv, -1, dxgauss_kernelx (sigma), dxgauss_kernely (sigma), Point (-1, -1), 0, BORDER_REPLICATE);
imwrite (file + "." + labels[0] + ".dxgauss." + out.str () + ".png", conv);
sepFilter2D (color[0], conv, -1, dyygauss_kernelx (sigma), dyygauss_kernely (sigma), Point (-1, -1), 0, BORDER_REPLICATE);
imwrite (file + "." + labels[0] + ".dyygauss." + out.str () + ".png", conv);
sepFilter2D (color[0], convtwo, -1, dxxgauss_kernelx (sigma), dxxgauss_kernely (sigma), Point (-1, -1), 0, BORDER_REPLICATE);
imwrite (file + "." + labels[0] + ".dxxgauss." + out.str () + ".png", convtwo);
imwrite (file + "." + labels[0] + ".lapgauss." + out.str () + ".png", conv + convtwo);
return 0;
applied to our awesome cop car picture's luminosity component we have:
Gaussian (sigma = 1) | |
Gaussian (sigma = 8) | |
DxGaussian (sigma = 1) | |
DxGaussian (sigma = 8) | |
DyGaussian (sigma = 1) | |
DyGaussian (sigma = 8) | |
Laplacian of Gaussian (sigma = 1) | |
Laplacian of Gaussian (sigma = 8) |
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